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Equipment List - Assembly
- (2) Okamoto 6-18DX - Automatic Surface Grinders .00005” Minimum Infeed Resolution
- Harig 618 - Handfeed Surface Grinder
- AccuFinish Series II - Precision Diamond Tool Grinder w/Meji Stereo Zoom Microscope
- Agathon 175-A - Precision Diamond Tool Grinder
- Delta Milwaukee - Carbide Tool Grinder
- Amada HDA-250 - Automatic Precision Horizontal Bandsaw.
- WF Wells Model W-9 - Twin Post Horizontal Bandsaw
- Everitt Abrasive Cutoff Saw
- 2007 Doosan GC25E - 5000lb forklift
- Sentry - Xpress Oven
- Thermolyne - Type 6000 Furnace
- Grieve - Bake out Oven for Cleaned Parts
- Alcatel ASM110 Helium Leak Detector
- Alcatel ASM182T Helium Leak Detector
- (5)Delta Single Spindle Drill Press
- High Speed Drill Press
Instrument Manufacturing has a wide range of other equipment common to most machine
shops. This equipment includes a number of manual
mills and lathes, surface grinders, cut off saws, deburing
equipment and many other tools and accessories.
With a staff of dedicated manufacturing professionals, we
can provide value to every relationship.
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